Sound Insulation

Good sound insulation by walls and floors is easily achieved using the inherent mass and the damping qualities of concrete.

Concrete wall solutions typically perform well in acoustic tests. Concrete’s mass provides good acoustic isolation, can provide high levels of sound insulation across a wide range of sound frequencies and can attenuate many noises within buildings. This level of sound insulation achieved provides a valuable contribution to the health and well-being of occupants and users of buildings.

In concrete construction, acoustic performance is achieved with minimal additional materials, therefore there is less reliance on workmanship and acoustic separation is less likely to be compromised over the lifetime of the building.

The sound insulation properties of concrete block-work encompass three key acoustic parameters: mass, stiffness and damping.

  • Concrete’s mass properties can lead to significant attenuation of sound and vibration at all sound frequencies, but are particularly important for reducing low frequency sound transmission.

  • Concrete’s stiffness can prevent flexing of walls and floors and this reduces low frequency sound transmission by reducing the capability of the structural wall and floor elements to transfer sound energy into the air of adjoining rooms and cavities.

  • Concrete has the highest damping properties of any structural material which enables sound and vibration energy to be attenuated and reduced before reaching other elements or rooms.